23-11-2018, 07:56 PM
You need to register as a member to take part in discussions on this site. This is primarily to stop abuse by spammers.
Until you have registered as a (free) member, you are limited to how many posts you can see.
In the future there will be a membership fee. The intention is that it will be very inexpensive, just enough to cover costs. A lot cheaper than the other motorhome discussion forums.
There will be no advertising on this forum, so a small fee will help keep it alive.
To prevent abuse by spammers, we ask you to say a little about yourself in Say Hello and to wait a little while before you are able to post in the other sections.
Until you have registered as a (free) member, you are limited to how many posts you can see.
In the future there will be a membership fee. The intention is that it will be very inexpensive, just enough to cover costs. A lot cheaper than the other motorhome discussion forums.
There will be no advertising on this forum, so a small fee will help keep it alive.
To prevent abuse by spammers, we ask you to say a little about yourself in Say Hello and to wait a little while before you are able to post in the other sections.